On 05/18/2010 12:37 PM, Robert Kaiser wrote:
> SeaMonkey 2.1 Alpha 1, a first preview of functionality in work for 
> SeaMonkey's future is available for free download. Please note that this 
> pre-release version is intended for developers and testers only. As 
> always, we appreciate any feedback you may have and encourage users to 
> help us by filing bugs.
> This developer preview introduces many improvements, including:
> - Better performance on startup and shutdown, as well as for JavaScript.
> - Full screen HTML5 video.
> - Resizeable text areas in web forms.
> - A new Troubleshooting Information page (about:support).
> - Notification bars for MailNews return receipts (MDN).
> - Support for SMIL animation, CSS transitions, a new HTML5 parser, new
>    DOM, HTML5 and CSS features as well as downloadable WOFF fonts.
> - CSS :visited selectors that cannot be read by web sites (privacy
>    improvement).
> We welcome any and all discussions on this alpha on our newsgroups, or 
> you can even file a bug if you find one. Be sure to check our Known
> Issues prior to filing bugs.
> SeaMonkey 2.1 Alpha 1 is available for free download from 
> www.seamonkey-project.org. Once you have downloaded and installed this 
> release, we'd like to encourage you to get involved in discussing and 
> reporting problems as well as further improving the product.
> Thanks for testing and helping us to make SeaMonkey even better!
> Full news article:
> http://www.seamonkey-project.org/news#2010-05-18
> Downloads for all available platforms:
> http://www.seamonkey-project.org/releases/2.1a1
> Release notes:
> http://www.seamonkey-project.org/releases/seamonkey2.1a1
> System Requirements:
> http://www.seamonkey-project.org/doc/2.1/system-requirements
> Robert Kaiser
> SeaMonkey project coordinator

Sorry meant for this to go to the users group:

Please be aware that many add-ons may not work w/2.1x.

On linux (not tested on Windows):

xsidebar requires:

ChatZilla needs a new install via:
[thanks Gijs Kruitbosch for fixing]

Lightning requires:
There is of course a side effect; once you've installed the lightning
1.1a1pre you lose the 1.0b1 when you fire SeaMonkey 2.0.5 back up & your
old calendars do not work.
for workarounds. I advise backing up *all* of your mozilla profiles, and
if possible use a test profile w/2.1.

Prefbar works (as always). As does flash and java.

Addons that I've found that do not (with the exeptions noted above that
require new versions):

Adblock Plus (1.2)
SQLite Manager (0.5.15)
Moonlight (

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