Ed Mullen wrote:
Daniel wrote:
Jens Hatlak wrote:
Paul wrote:
According to the OP on 6-26-10:

SeaMonkey doesn't give me the option to automatically save certain
file types - the latest example being
and the 'Do this automatically for files like this from now on.' line
is greyed out.

SeaMonkey stores download associations per MIME type. The problem with
the download from the address above is that it is delivered with MIME
type text/plain. That is, like application/octet-stream, too generic to
be stored. You wouldn't want any text file to be opened with the program
you choose for this .pptx file, right?

The only way how to solve this issue is by fixing the source, i.e. the
web server that delivers that file (cacetech.com).

You can find out about these issues by either using the Live HTTP
Headers extension or using the wget command line tool (available by
default on most Linux machines) with the -S parameter.



Jens, if I go to Edit->Preferences->Browser->Helper Applications in SM
2.1a2, I get a listing of various Content Types and the actions to occur
for those Types. For example, for Windows Media video I have it set to
"Always ask" and have other options in a drop down list.

Additionally, near the top is a line which reads "Search Types and
Actions". I'm guessing (emphasis guessing" I could enter "pptx" in there
and select what helper should be evoked. Is this wrong??

Yes, that is wrong.

So what should I do then, Ed??

(Yes, I know I
could try, but I don't have a .pptx file!)


Well, Ed, clicking on your link got the appropriate OpenOffice program running, but it did a poor job of displaying the slides, but it did display them!!

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