Zanqeutil wrote:
I like the Seamonkey 2,xx default theme, but I have low eye sight.

So I'm happy I stumbled upon the Classic Default Theme
(Netscape 4.x/Samonkey it has more contrast in the Email section.

Works great, looks good with Seamonkey 2.0.5, Windows 2000-SP4.

Info from the site:

This is a port of the old Netscape 4.x/Mozilla Suite Classic theme for SeaMonkey 2.0.Including all visual elements from SeaMonkey 1.x and
Netscape, this theme also includes new icons of the Add-on Manager,
and Mail components to make them look more "classical".



You could have also gone to the View menu then zoom and increased the font size in the message window as large as you need.

Big Bill

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