Antman008 wrote:
Ray_Net wrote:
Ant wrote:

I know this has been discussed before a while ago with v2.0.5 updater,
but is it me or did v2.0.5 did not prompt me that there is an 2.0.6

I just exited to restart SM and then I saw it update! Then, I found out
was v2.0.6 updater. I don't recall seeing any prompt that v2.0.6 update
exists. Did I miss something? I did leave SM overnight since 8:45 PM PDT
or so. Was it a silent update or something? I don't see any preference
settings for the updater.

Thank you in advance. :)

Put your home page here ->

So you will be notified when a new version is released.


I'm not sure if that really addresses the issue of not being notified
before an update is applied. I noticed I wasn't notified either for
2.0.6, and it was a little disconcerting that I couldn't halt the update
from occurring. Is there a preference that will provide a cancel feature
if I'm at a point that I don't want to apply the update at that time? My
companies security software will repeatedly close any new programs it
hasn't been trained to specifically allow, so I'd like the option of
choosing what time to apply new updates.


Antman, if you have a look at Edit->Preferences->Advanced->Software installation, you may may be able to set things up the way you want!! May!!

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