On 8/11/10 2:35 PM, Ray_Net wrote:
> David E. Ross wrote:
>> On 8/11/10 7:47 AM, Ray_Net wrote:
>>> http://home.scarlet.be/~pin10521/didyouseethepicture.htm
>> The markup
>>      <img src="IMAGES\pose-yoga.jpg" alt="pose-yoga.jpg">
>> has a path to the image with a back-slash (\).  That makes the path
>> invalid for something on a Web server.
>> IE interprets this as a forward slash (/), but that interpretation is
>> not always correct.
> SM did not work correctly when the page is located in my ISP webserver 
> space.
> BUT in local by the use of a webserver or directly by :
> file:///C:/TEST/didyouseethepicture.htm SM see the image.
> IE see the image by file, on a local webserver and on my isp webserver 
> space.
> The "interpretation" of IE is always correct.
> if the "\" is replaced by "/" SM and IE works correctly in the 3 cases.
> Therefore SM miss a point.

No, you have missed at least two points.

If the file is on your local PC running Windows, then
is the same as
Even SeaMonkey recognizes the \ in this case.  But the URI will not work
for a file on a Web server if you use \ where the proper symbol is /.

When \ appears in a URI, either the user made a mistake or else it
stands for something other than /.  IE was programmed to "guess" that
the user meant / when \ is used in a URI, which can be quite wrong if
the user meant something else.  SeaMonkey follows the standards by not
guessing; this is also true of the other Gecko-based browsers.

The processing done by IE -- including the interpretation of \ in a URI
-- is definitely NOT always correct.  Especially when trying to
interpret user errors, IE is very often wrong.


David E. Ross

Anyone who thinks government owns a monopoly on inefficient, obstructive
bureaucracy has obviously never worked for a large corporation.
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