On 8/12/10 6:45 AM, Ray_Net wrote:
> David E. Ross wrote:
>> No, you have missed at least two points.
>> If the file is on your local PC running Windows, then
>>      file:///C:/TEST/didyouseethepicture.htm
>> is the same as
>>      file:\C:\TEST\didyouseethepicture.htm
>> Even SeaMonkey recognizes the \ in this case.  But the URI will not work
>> for a file on a Web server if you use \ where the proper symbol is /.
>> When \ appears in a URI, either the user made a mistake or else it
>> stands for something other than /.  IE was programmed to "guess" that
>> the user meant / when \ is used in a URI, which can be quite wrong if
>> the user meant something else.  SeaMonkey follows the standards by not
>> guessing; this is also true of the other Gecko-based browsers.
>> The processing done by IE -- including the interpretation of \ in a URI
>> -- is definitely NOT always correct.  Especially when trying to
>> interpret user errors, IE is very often wrong.
> But The markup
>  >>   <img src="IMAGES\pose-yoga.jpg" alt="pose-yoga.jpg">
> works with SM when accessing the page in local or on a local webserver.

That is true.  See my paragraph above, beginning "If the file is on your
local PC".  That is because URIs that are paths to local files under
Windows do indeed use \.

> Therefore SM is wrong when he got a good result .... because you said 
> that SM is correct when he cannot display the picture when the page is 
> on my isp webserver.
> IE is more coherent, he work in all cases.

No.  The specification says that URIs that are paths on servers use /
and NOT \.  See the specification at
<ftp://ftp.rfc-editor.org/in-notes/rfc3986.txt>.  Gecko-based browsers
(including SeaMonkey) adhere to the specification.  IE is notorious for
deviating from many specifications.

Instead of arguing about this -- because SeaMonkey is NOT wrong -- just
fix your HTML.  Note that I have a copy of my Web site (currently 387
files) on my PC under Windows.  Using / and not \, I can view all my
pages locally.  Using \ and not /, I cannot view any page from my
server.  Thus, I always code my URIs with /.


David E. Ross

Anyone who thinks government owns a monopoly on inefficient, obstructive
bureaucracy has obviously never worked for a large corporation.
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