On 8/17/10 7:16 AM, S. Beaulieu wrote:
> I'm trying to access www.subaru.ca but ever since they revamped their 
> site, I keep getting an XML analysis error that keeps me from even 
> seeing the site (the whole screen is a yellowinh beige with the error 
> message and part of a coding line that seems to go on off-screen, yet 
> can't be fully viewed). I know there are some coding errors and that's 
> likely the problem. I emailed their web technical support about this and 
> it seems like they are working on it.
> That being said, what is strange is that the site works with Firefox. 
> I've never yet seen a site work with FF while being totally unaccessible 
> using SeaMonkey.
> So I'm wondering whether the problem might not be on my end after all.
> Any help would be much appreciated.
> S.

I tested it.  It is definitely a case of invalid sniffing.  Not only is
the server sniffing for "Firefox" when it should instead sniff for
"Gecko" -- if they can justify sniffing at all -- but also the sniffing
code crashes when it finds an unrecognized browser.

See my <http://www.rossde.com/internet/sniffing.html>.  Note that the
"XML Parsing Error" message you got is very similar to the second
message under the fouth bullet from the top.


David E. Ross

Anyone who thinks government owns a monopoly on inefficient, obstructive
bureaucracy has obviously never worked for a large corporation.
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