I was using KEEPVID to save flv files off of YOUTUBE.

Now something changed and they want me to install the updated JAVA whatever.

Will this work with SM 1.1 ?

If so, how do I get past the "jxpiinstall.exe" roadblock ?

This is not in the instructions they give.

I don't know how to proceed.  Is it safe to allow this download ?

Wanted to save as an flv file....
plus followup vids.


They have finally found the rumored engine that runs on water
. . . . as long as it's gulf water.

The Second Amendment is in place
in case the politicians ignore the others.
   ~General Dwight Eisenhower

Gun control is like trying to eliminate drunk driving
by not allowing sober people to own cars.

America will never be destroyed from the outside.
If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because
we destroyed ourselves.
    ~Abraham Lincoln
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