Tom Pamin wrote:
Zanqeutil wrote:
DoctorBill schreef:
DoctorBill wrote:
I was using KEEPVID to save flv files off of YOUTUBE.

Now something changed and they want me to install the updated JAVA

Will this work with SM 1.1 ?

Try Kiss Youtube (ignore the Digital Certifcate warning, just click run)
Works with IE 6.0
Works here with Seamonkey 2.0.6, and with Firefox 3.6.8 but Seamonkey 1.1.19 gives a java plugin error warning. The new Java Plugin needs a newer browser, minimal requirement Firefox 3.xx

Regards, Zanqeutil

I tried Keepvid with your Youtube video and SM 1.1.19. Worked fine for me to download it.

Well mine won't.

I downloaded the newest JAVA ap as requested, but it won't work with my SM 1.1.

I finally HAD to use IE and it worked fine.

Just had to go wash my hands several times and use a hand sanitizer.
Then a Malware Searcher and Virus checker.....



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