Phillip Jones wrote:
Jay Garcia wrote:
On 19.09.2010 09:02, Beauregard T. Shagnasty wrote:

--- Original Message ---

Jay Garcia wrote:

Beauregard T. Shagnasty wrote:
Jay Garcia wrote:
Beauregard T. Shagnasty wrote:
Jay Garcia wrote:
Using FF 3.6.10 here and looking at your screen shot I don't see
the same thing(s), namely the topmost bar showing "GV SHm L/D"
etc. The paragraph under the Baby brings miners ....,etc. isn't
cut off either.

So what's the deal with what you see and I don't? Mine looks ok
to me.

Go about two Control-Pluses and see what happens to the text under
the Baby (well, it's a different article now, but same thing
happens). Assuming you have zoom set to _text_only_. The text
increases in size but not the containing box. This is another
webmaster/author fault for eschewing fluidity. Not a browser

Even tho it's a new article using ctrl+mouse wheel or crtl+ many
times causes the page to increase in size quite fluidly, no
problems. Perhaps it was just that particular article?

Menu: View> Zoom> Zoom Text Only
which I mentioned several times. Does "Zoom Text Only" have a
checkmark next to it? If not, click on it to check it, and go look
for another article with a long (three lines?) description.

Yah, missed that for whatever reason. Setting to text-only exhibits
the problem IF it's really a problem since there are many
graphics/images on the page. In a text-only environment you really
don't need that function anyways so why use it to begin with? If text
is too small on a web page I just use ctrl+mouse wheel anyway. Why
would you need text-only .. examples?

Coupla reasons I see for using text-only zoom:

1) you're using, say, a 1000px browser window. Zooming _all_ increases
the actual width of the page, so you have to utilize the horizontal

I can go along with that but geeze, if you have to size the text and
scrollbars appear then you must need coke-bottle-glasses.

2) some images (low-res) do not zoom well and become pixelated or

But not interested in zooming images, that can be done with other
features/functions, etc.

3) what's the main reason for wanting to zoom in the first place? Web
author's tiny text that your eyes can't read.

Not saying that it is a useless feature globally but I have no use for
it ... so far. :-)

Insofar as pages like the CNN page(s) where text-only sizing is needed
then you have to go with the default re-size. I don't think anybody is
going to convince CNN programmers otherwise.

Anyone think about the possibility of using NOSquint Extension? It has
the options to zoom Text, Images, or both and you can set the images to
zoom at one level and the Text at another level.

Were it not for NoSquint I wouldn't be able to read post on the Mactopia
Forums for Mac Office Products.

I use it. I like it so much I've almost forgotten it's installed. It just works.

I'm barely optically challenged. I wear glasses but my corrected vision is good. I have glasses I only wear for computing. But, there are so many sites whose authors cluelessly set font sizes so small that it feels like the pages are sucking my eyeballs out of my head that I really needed a solution. That extension is it.

Ed Mullen
I used to have a handle on life, but it broke off.
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