>> Ed Mullen wrote:

Anyone think about the possibility of using NOSquint Extension? It has
the options to zoom Text, Images, or both and you can set the images to
zoom at one level and the Text at another level.

Were it not for NoSquint I wouldn't be able to read post on the Mactopia
Forums for Mac Office Products.

I use it. I like it so much I've almost forgotten it's installed. It
just works.

I'm barely optically challenged. I wear glasses but my corrected vision
is good. I have glasses I only wear for computing. But, there are so
many sites whose authors cluelessly set font sizes so small that it
feels like the pages are sucking my eyeballs out of my head that I
really needed a solution. That extension is it.

I just did a Search in Seamonkey Add-Ons and "NoSquint" was a no-show.

Where does one find this, please?


Thanks! & 73, doc, KD4E
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