<u...@domain.invalid> wrote:
> Running SeaMonkey 2.0.8 under Windows XP SP3 (long time SM user).
> When I exit SeaMonkey by closing all the windows or using the Exit
> menu item), the Seamonkey process continues to run invisibly and
> consumes about 1/2 of the CPU to no worthwhile effect that I can see.
> I terminate this errant process with Task Manager.

It's probably not a good idea to do that.

When SeaMonkey closes down, it writes changes to it's configuration
files, such as prefs.js and others. By aborting this early, you are not
allowing it  to complete these cleanup tasks.

By the way, could you add a standard sig delimiter to your posts, so
that we do not have to strip your sig manually, as I have done here? 

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