>links on Yahoo Finance that used to work in Seamonkey
>but won't display with 2.0.8.
The page is crap.
When the page is crap, the browser has to GUESS.
The old browser guessed correctly; the newer one doesn't.

>The links do work for Internet Explorer.
...because the page was *built* for Internet Exploder.
If the page had been built to WorldWide Web Consortium standards,
there would be no problem.

Complain to the site about their crappy non-compliant code.

>It would not work with the IE tab plug-in either.
Their code REALLY DOES suck.
...and versions of IE are not even compatible with *each other*.

>can't Seamonkey be made able to compensate for the critical errors?
Imagine if, in your job,
you had to conform to the whims of EVERY idiot
who was too lazy to conform to the standard way of doing things.
How many different ways of doing your job would you have to master?
Think that would be fair to you?

The fault is **not** in the browser.
Place the blame where it SHOULD be.
The fault is with the morons who built the site;
it's up to THEM to correct it.
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