On 10/25/2010 6:56 PM W3BNR wrote:
On 10/25/2010 6:05 PM u...@domain.invalid wrote:
I am running SM 1.1.19 and the latest version of Java, v22 on an XP
machine sp3.

For the last three days I keep getting 2 error messages when trying to
either access a particular web page that utilizes Java or try to run the
Java test at java.com. This is an example of a web page that generates
the error messages- http://www.bigskyresort.com/Photos-Videos/Webcam.asp

The first error message states "the plug in performed an illegal
operation, restart browser.......". Clicking OK then generates another
error message, "the new Java plug in requires a more recent version of
Firefox (version 3 or higher). The site loads at this point but the Java
app does not activate.

This site works from IE so it does not appear to be an issue with SM. I
have un-installed and reinstalled both SM and Java and done an extensive
cleaning of the registry as well as deleted Java folders with data in
them after the uninstall.

The only thing all this accomplished was to now cause the first error
message to pop up when I start SM. Everything else seems fine but this
Java thing is driving me nuts. I do not want to update SM to v2.x due to
the incompatibility with Roboform which I use extensively.

Any ideas?

Works fine with Java 6.21 - Windows XP SE-3 - SeaMonkey 2.0.10pre

Perhaps upgrading SM and using the FormFiller add-on along with the built-in
Password Manager you wouldn't need Roboform any more?

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