Mort wrote:

I suddenly have the above problem,, and cannot solve it. I'm running
Windows XP, SP 3, and the latest SeaMonkey. A Google search revealed
that many people have this problem, and there is no solution out there.
I can pick up some of the e-mail addresses from previous e-mails, but
probably not all. The addresses are important to me. I do a full monthly
backup, but in the past with a similar problem, a download to my hard
drive from the external backup dd not help, as it gave a long text
listing of the names and URLs, not the hierarchal lists in the address

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Mort Linder

Mort, what's the problem?? Are you saying that when you are composing an email, you are unable to open your email address book?? What do you see??

If this is not your problem, can you have another go at explaining it??


To get return e-mail address
remove nospam. from address line

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Amazing Anagrams
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