Daniel wrote:
Mort, in SeaMonkey, down in the bottom left of the screen, you should
see four (or five) icons. Double click on the one for the Address Book.
Are all your addresses shown?? Do your Collected Addresses show up?? If
so, whilst you have it open, click on Tools->Export, and make yourself a
copy....just to be safe.

Report back.


Hi Daniel,

When I double click on the address book icon at lower left, I get 191 Collected Addresses, in hierarchal form. However, I get no Personal Addresses at all. After the brief fix, the Personal had 121 addresses. If my Collected keeps working, then it's not a total loss. It would be nice though, to have my Personal back, and to know how to prevent its disappearance.

I'm in computers for 14 years, and have never run across this problem in this recurrent manner.

Thanks for your help and your patience.

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