Mort wrote:
Daniel wrote:
Mort wrote:
Daniel wrote:
Mort, in SeaMonkey, down in the bottom left of the screen, you should
see four (or five) icons. Double click on the one for the Address Book.
Are all your addresses shown?? Do your Collected Addresses show up?? If
so, whilst you have it open, click on Tools->Export, and make
yourself a
copy....just to be safe.

Report back.


Hi Daniel,

When I double click on the address book icon at lower left, I get 191
Collected Addresses, in hierarchal form. However, I get no Personal
Addresses at all. After the brief fix, the Personal had 121 addresses.
If my Collected keeps working, then it's not a total loss. It would be
nice though, to have my Personal back, and to know how to prevent its

I'm in computers for 14 years, and have never run across this problem in
this recurrent manner.

Thanks for your help and your patience.


O.K. Mort, something I should have got you to do, a while back, is a
Windows Find Files or Folders for "abook.*" (without the quotes) and set
it to search your entire hard-drive.

This should let you know if there is more than one file on your computer.

Report back.


Hi Daniel,

There are 6 abook. files, the last is abook2:
Three are 237 KB MAB files of My Documents or Documents and Settings of
various kinds: Mozilla, desktop, etc.
Two are 2 KB shortcuts.
Five of the six give a lengthy bulky text of the addresses in one
gigantic run-on paragraph. The sixth gives an endless loop of ask to
open with SeaMonkey.

It seems that the abook. is there all right. How do I get it in
hierarchal form in SeaMonkey where it belongs? Why did it get there only
once after your previous advice, and then go away again? Once, several
years ago, I had a similar problem, and downloading the abook. file from
my backup external hard drive just gave one more huge text paragraph.

Daniel, thanks ever so much for your patience and skill, which I really
do appreciate.


Not skill, Mort, just that I'm having a problem with my abook in SM on Win7, which is another reason why I should have had you look for them earlier!!

O.K., note down the locations of the files (one will match the location you've already notes, this is the version your SM is currently using.). Now open SM and click on the Addressbook Icon down in the bottom left of screen.

In the Addressbook, select Tools->Import, and try to import each of the other five addressbooks. Some will work, some will not! When you have tried all five, export the addressbook to somewhere that you remember.

If this problem returns, all you should then have to do is open your addressbook by clicking on the Icon and then select Tools->Import, and import this addressbook that you have just exported.

One day, the addressbook will stick in Windows

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