SM 2.0.10, Windows XP w/SP3, Pentium 4 with 1.5 gigs RAM. Last night I was using the SM Browser and it crashed. After that, I could not start up the browser. The "Select a Profile" screen came up, but, as soon as I moused over the screen, it would crash. I tried starting u[ the browser with options from the command line, and a page would load just fine, until I moused over any place in the page, and it would crashe. Same with SM mail.

I couldn't reboot because I was running a distribute computing app in the background, and didn't want to lose 4 hours of work. This morning, I came down and SM started up just fine.

Comments on this? Does SM set some error flag some place? Seemed like something was in memory that SM didn't like. I'm also running Norton Internet Security, and it likes doing stuff during the wee hours of the night, so maybe it took up whatever was in memory that was bugging SM?

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