Robert Kaiser wrote:

I may not disagree with a lot of things you are saying (I still believe
that over-regulation in the form of politics giving bonuses to large
companies that small ones never would get was the real problem of the
recent crisis) but this really doesn't belong in the SeaMonkey support
As the group's administrator, I beg you to take political and social
arguments into a group that is about those topics and not about
SeaMonkey support. Which political/social views fit whom better or make
more sense for whom are not topics that will help people to use
SeaMonkey more easily or fix their problems in working with this
volunteer-community-generated software.


Robert Kaiser

Is this a change of rules for these Netscape/Firefox/Mozilla/Seamonkey newsgroups?

I remember on the Netscape newsgroup, someone posted a binary of George Bush wearing the "Lord of the Ring" ring. The newsgroup administrator said he saw no problem with the post because it was marked "OT" and he thought it was funny. Or is it that political subjects are OK, as long as the majority agree with them?

BTW, I did not read the political statement in this thread -- it was too long.


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