Jordon wrote:
No wrote:
... is this possibly being planned for SM? I think it would be great,
instead of my having to use several programs and being proactive in
terms of clearing cache, cookies etc.. to slow this down.

Or, if anyone knows of a program which can be installed to prevent or
slow this down, please let me know.

While I've seen the "Don't track me" articles in the news, I'm
not confident it'll take off. While it's probably a pretty simple
thing to add "Please don't track me" code into the program, it's
also a pretty simple thing to add "Give me your previous website
or I'm not giving you squat" code into a website.

Yes.! But do you have to tell them the truth?
Suppose that, rather than asking "Please don't track me" you feed them
a fake back trail. e.g. intentionally feed them the url for the PLAYGIRL
site, or the INTERPOL, or some other perhaps not obviously ridiculous
url. Then the gathered statistics become useless for marketing purposes,
and thus of no commercial value. No $$$ incentive. Also no smear nor
incriminating value.
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