On 30/12/10 04:26, NoOp wrote:
On 12/29/2010 06:33 PM, Justin Wood (Callek) wrote:
On 12/29/2010 5:07 PM, Ricardo Palomares Martí­nez wrote:
- will provisions be made for importing/exporting lightning calendars?

That's my biggest concern, too.:-)

Lightning is an extension, one which does not directly provide support
for SeaMonkey, and is also [last I knew] currently targeting Gecko 1.9.2
which there was and is no SeaMonkey release on.

We as the Council hopes there is a suitable solution for lightning
users, and will support the efforts where possible, but I do not foresee
anyone from the SeaMonkey team devoting direct time to get export/import
improved in the near future.

Then you'd be seriously mistaken. Users have spent considerable time&
effort integrating lightning calendars&  data into their systems. If you
think that there was backlash with SM 1.1.x and forms, wait until they
try 2.1 and try backing down to 2.0 and realize that their calendars no
longer are compatible.

The solution is mentioned there too: don't use in-profile calendars (in the proprietary Mozilla format), export them (or create them) as *.ics calendars somewhere else on your HD. In that format they should even be compatible with the no-longer-supported Sunbird program.

I *highly* recommend that the "Council" sort out the issues (personal
and technical) with the SeaMonkey&  Lightning folks *before* any SM 2.1
release. If you don't then I suspect that you'll continue to lose space
with MS Office&  other browser/calendar integration offerings. IMO
seamless Lightning integration with SeaMonkey is critical to SeaMonkey's

The main problem with Lightning is that *Lightning* is practically a one-man operation, and a busy man at that. Alas for us, he cannot afford to dedicate all his time to Lightning, so fixes to Lightning bugs (sometimes including bugs very annoying to the users) take their own (long) time coming. The SeaMonkey guys can do nothing about that, they have enough on their hands keeping SeaMonkey working.

Best regards,
Christian, n.:
        One who believes that the New Testament is a divinely inspired
book admirably suited to the spiritual needs of his neighbor.  One who
follows the teachings of Christ in so far as they are not inconsistent
with a life of sin.
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