Barry Edwin Gilmour wrote:
Barry Edwin Gilmour wrote:
Daniel wrote:
Barry Edwin Gilmour wrote:
Barry Edwin Gilmour wrote:
Paul T. Karch wrote:
Barry Edwin Gilmour wrote:
Barry Edwin Gilmour wrote:
Paul T. Karch wrote:
Barry Edwin Gilmour wrote:
Paul T. Karch wrote:


Also, compacting should be done automatically by the application, each
time you close down the application. Barry.

Sorry, Barry, are you suggesting that this *is* being done or that
you think it *should* be done each shut down??


My bad!
It would sure help if a functional auto-compaction could be done each
time SeaMonkey is opened or shutdown. It would mean one less button to
have to use and explain.
It seems the Thunderbird folk have resorted to turning-off their
auto-compaction, in order to bypass a raft of conflicts, so we may be
better off without it.
Apologies. Barry.

Daniel, In SM-2.1b3pre, we have auto-compaction via "Edit > Preferences
 > Mail & Newsgroups > Network & Storage > Disk Space > checkbox:
Compact Folders when it will save over <insert number>MB"
The "about:config" preference settings are listed under "mail.purge"
HTH. Barry.

Yes, Barry, that setting is also in SM 2.x, and I think it was in SM 1.x and, possibly, Moz Suite as well.

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