On 4/2/11 5:24 AM, Ant wrote:
> On 4/2/2011 2:08 AM PT, Jens Hatlak typed:
>> Ant wrote:
>>> Is there a way to automatically get rid of those <s and >s? I prefer not
>>> having those.
>> AFAICS they will be gone in SM 2.1.
> Awesome. I will wait for it.
> What's the reasons for < and > ? They don't make sense to me. What's 
> wrong without them since most programs convert http to links just fine?

The use of < and > to delimit URIs is per Appexdix C of RFC 3986.

The delimiters serve human purposes, not software.  As indicated in
another reply in this thread, they provide for URIs that wrap from one
line to another and yet remain understandable by human eyes.  (I get
E-mail messages with URIs that wrap to 3-4 lines.)

To quote the RFC:
>    URIs are often transmitted through formats that do not provide a
>    clear context for their interpretation.  For example, there are many
>    occasions when a URI is included in plain text; examples include text
>    sent in email, USENET news, and on printed paper.  In such cases, it
>    is important to be able to delimit the URI from the rest of the text,
>    and in particular from punctuation marks that might be mistaken for
>    part of the URI.

Also while blank spaces are not supposed to appear in a URI, I do see
such URIs.  Delimiters help humans to see that the first blank space
does not end such URIs.


David E. Ross

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