NoOp wrote:
On 04/08/2011 06:43 PM, WLS wrote:


Did you know SeaMonkey had tabs on top before all the browsers? Just
collapse all the tool bars and you will see what I mean. Yes, I am going
out on a limb with that statement.

You are as I've never seen tabs on top. Got a screenshot of tabs on top
with SeaMonkey?
   The first thing I did after installing FF4 was to put the tabs back on
the bottom where (IMO) they belong. You see, when you work with tabs on
a regular basis it makes no sense at all to have to move the mouse above
the URI/URL/Address bar to select a tab. The tab/window area is the main
workspace. Again; who's bright idea was that?

This SM 2.1pre, but by collapsing the tool bars, you can do the same with SM 2.0.x. I don't know about older versions.

Like I said it is a stretch, and the only thing missing if you collapse the menu tool bar is a SeaMonkey button ala Firefox. I know shhhhh, don't give them any ideas! LOL!

I like Tony's multirow  tab bar.


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