Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
Jay Garcia wrote:

On 02.05.2011 11:17, wingspan2 wrote:

--- Original Message ---

Here is what I found out. My internet provider, (Comcast) will not
give up the "Out Going Mail" port number. I searched the internet and
came up with a few, but not in my area. When I spoke to a
representative at "Comcast" I asked for the port number and they
refused to give it to me. They claimed that I had to log onto Comcast
home page, then read my emails from their server. I told them I did
not like the way it way set up and basically they told me to jump in
a lake if I didn't like it. So with that in mind, thank you everyone
who has made an effort to help me. If anyone knows their outgoing
server port number in my area, (Chico California) feel free to pass it
on to me. :-)

First of all, please post followup replies in the original thread,

Comcast uses ports 587, 465 and 995.

587 is unencrypted and usually is used for pop accounts

The alternate ports are: 995 (POP) and 465 (IMAP) both of which are
encrypted SSL ports. Port 25 has been disabled.

Looks like pretty standard stuff, wonder why it was such a "secret." Or
did the idiot rep just pretend it was a secret because he didn't know?

Their training did not include it, and like most support personell, I
will guess that they are told to Not tell anything we didn't teach you.
So even if he or she knew what you were asking, they may simply not
be permitted to tell you.  For example, you call back and get another
support person, and you tell them what the first one told you - now
this one is up the creek.

Remember, "this conversation may be recorded for training purposes."

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