I have just downloaded SeaMonkey 2.1 RC.

It is fantastic! Very stable (so far). Very easy to set up. I simply clicked on the SeaMonkey icon and the program checked all my add-ons for compatibility. Then it froze (although no biggie). After a reboot I relaunched SeaMonkey and all my previous settings were there (bookmarks, emails, passwords, cookies).

The main improvement in SeaMonkey is speed. It is very noticeably faster than 2.0.

BTW I am using an iMac (late 2006 24") running OS X 10.6.7 with 2 GB memory.

Try the 2.1 version of SeaMonkey. Even though it is still a RC (release candidate) it is very stable on my Mac.

Many thanks to all the SeaMonkey and Mozilla developers for the good work with SeaMonkey 2.1 RC.

What are other users experiences with SeaMonkey 2.1 RC?
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