quick poll among nightlies users:

Has anyone seen recently problems to perform changes on Windows SharePoints using SM2.2 ?
I use at work Share Point 2007 and since about a week I can't anymore:
- Add a new file into a sharepoint directory
- add a new user into a sharepoint user group
- etc...

I use SM2.2a1pre as well as the FF nightlies (7.0a1). I tried with and without add-on, to the same result: Only SM 2.2a1pre is not able to upload a file to the sharepoints. I see a number of errors in the error console:
here the two main ones:
Error: Svc.Private is undefined
Source File: resource://services-sync/engines/tabs.js
Line: 336

(This is in the Seamonkey/omnijar directory)

Error: WebForm_GetElementByTagName is not defined
Source File: http://teams10.sharepoint.<work-company>.com/WebResource.axd?d=wKOvPAk4f8quUj2_8EtNSQ2&t=634217698491748156
Line: 534

which is:      var nodeTable = WebForm_GetElementByTagName(node, "table");

Thanks for anyone providing a hint at what to look for.

Thanks !
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