dominique wrote, On 5/30/2011 5:41 PM:
quick poll among nightlies users:

Has anyone seen recently problems to perform changes on Windows
SharePoints using SM2.2 ?
I use at work Share Point 2007 and since about a week I can't anymore:
- Add a new file into a sharepoint directory
- add a new user into a sharepoint user group
- etc...

I use SM2.2a1pre as well as the FF nightlies (7.0a1). I tried with and
without add-on, to the same result: Only SM 2.2a1pre is not able to
upload a file to the sharepoints. I see a number of errors in the error
here the two main ones:
Error: Svc.Private is undefined
Source File: resource://services-sync/engines/tabs.js
Line: 336

(This is in the Seamonkey/omnijar directory)

Error: WebForm_GetElementByTagName is not defined
Source File:

Line: 534

which is: var nodeTable = WebForm_GetElementByTagName(node, "table");

Thanks for anyone providing a hint at what to look for.

Thanks !
For information: It seems that the Lightning bug about SM user agent was the culprit here.
Since this bug is corrected all is now fine.

(I still don't get why my test with add-ons disabled failed too, but I may have done something wrong here. I did not test with my test profile though !).

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