Jens Hatlak wrote:
Rufus wrote:
So far, SM 2.1 has generated the largest number of problems/user
complaints I've ever read here regarding any version/release...and it's
only been a week or so.

Personally I felt the outcry was much greater with SM 2.0, and it mainly
latest until answers for some common issues (like the form manager) were
found. Besides that, some of the issues raised here are either not new
(i.e. were also to be found in prior versions) or very special and

I only recall two real user issues with the 2.0.x series - 1) the Forms Manager; and 2) the small buttons. Other than that, I personally don't like the new default Theme but that's something I can solve myself, so that's not really a "problem".

There have been positive voices here, too, which you seem to ignore (or
not put into relation, given that people who have no issues are less
likely to let us know than people who are discontent).



I've read a few, but nowhere near as many as I've read about problems/issues. Numbers matter...I'll wait/pass until things settle - I got burned trying a beta with far fewer changes than this, I'm not up for a re-run.

     - Rufus
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