Interviewed by CNN on 16/06/2011 20:50, Stan told the world:
I am not clear about what I need to do to get three Add-Ons to update.
When I installed SM 2.1, six Add-Ons were updated.  Three of them did
not and in the Add-On Manager they are noted as:<add-on name>  is
incompatible with SeaMonkey 2.1

The three add-ons are: FxIF, Image Zoom, and StumbleUpon.

Ideally, YOU wouldn't have to do anything. The add-on author would take care of releasing a new version of the add-on that would fix the issue.

Unfortunately, some add-ons are no longer being maintained, or the author decided to stop supporting Seamonkey. So there's no official update to the add-on to update to.

What you MIGHT do is to deceive Seamonkey into accepting an add-on that has not been checked by the author as compatible with Seamonkey 2.1. In many (but not all) cases, the add-on will run fine.

There are various ways to do that deceiving:

Method 1. Disable compatibility checking.
This involves changing a setting. I don't have the reference handy, but it has been mentioned in this forum. I dislike this method because compatibility checking is in principle a good idea, and it's all too easy to disable it and forget to enable it later.
More details here:

Method 2. Use the Add-On Compatibility Reporter add-on.
This has a similar effect as method 1, but it's easier to do (no need to create new preferences in about:config and such), and adds a couple other useful things like a way to report if the extension works or not with a particular browser version.

Method 3. Direct edit.
This involves editing the install.rdf file in the broken extension folder, to change the maxversion value to 2.1, 2.1.x, 2.x or something similar, in order to allow it to work. A bit more technically involved, but limits the changes to the particular add-on that's not working, instead of disabling compatibility check.


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