Robert Kaiser wrote:
Philip Chee schrieb:
On Wed, 22 Jun 2011 15:28:06 +0200, Robert Kaiser wrote:
Ant schrieb:
I saw Firefox v3.6.18 and Thunderbird v3.1.11 were released earlier
today. Will SeaMonkey v2.0.14 be getting any more updates too? I am not
ready for v2.1.x yet.

Probably not, as nobody is working on backporting the security fixes to
the Mozilla branch that SeaMonkey 2.0.x is based on.

I still see (once in a while) a security patch land in mozilla-1.9.1.

The "once in a while" is important there. Nobody is caring that
everything is being backported or that anything happens to security
problems reported on that branch.

But it would be nice to have a longer life of a supported version ...
Because i have installed SM 1.x.x on my friend's pc... so far so good...
I had not reset the automatic update. After a certain time, i go to my friend house (riding 200 kilometers) to upgrade his SM 1.x.x to 2.0.x
and .... surprise .. the SM 2.0.x profile was present on his pc !!!!
but he still use SM 1.x.x. grrrr.....
He told me that he had received a message asking to upgrade ... then he forgot what was going after(you have to know that he did not know what a pc is :-) ) I believe that if i did not examine his pc before the upgrade SM2 will not migrate the SM1 profile.
Not a fancy situation.
Now, i have reset all options for upgrade .... BUT i must return (200 kilometer riding) to this house to migrate to 2.1.x.
This is occurring too often...

Perhaps .. IE and WEBMAIL is a better solution for him.
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