Mike wrote:
Didn't have time to read in detail every reply, so I apologize if this is off
topic or fixed. If you want remote images to appear in email, i.e. images that
are linked in the email and hosted on remote servers, you need to open the
address book and edit the properties of the sender. In there is a check box for
allow remote content. This will make the change for that address only. This is
really what you want. Allowing remote images to load as a blanket statement is
only inviting more spam as they will be able to verify what email addresses are
getting the spam when those images load using the specially crafted unique URL's
in each email.

Is this something new in SM 2.n? -- I don't remember seeing it in earlier 

I've changed this setting for the 4--5 senders of emails that I've been having trouble with. It doesn't make any immediate change in viewing existing emails, but maybe it will make a difference when new ones come in.

Thanks for this tip, it may be just what I've been looking for!

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