Bill Spikowski wrote:
Gerald Ross wrote:
Bill Spikowski wrote:
Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
Bill Spikowski wrote:
I just switched from SM 1.1.18 to 2.1. The new version works really

I've found one problem. E-mails that normally show images only show a
line of text in place of the image.

I have this same problem on my laptop in version 2.0, so it may be
something that carried forward when importing my old profile -- I
haven't manually changed any preferences.

In Preferences | Privacy& Security, it's already set to "Load all
images." Is there some other setting that would cause this behavior?

How are you handling messages that arrive in both text and HTML
versions? If
you're displaying the text version, there will be no images.

I've never given SM any specific instructions on how to display
messages that
arrive both in text and HTML -- do you know where that setting is?
Maybe that's
the problem. I'm aware of the settings for OUTGOING mail in text vs.
HTML, but
not incoming.

I do receive plenty of emails (often spam) that display in their full
glory; the problem I'm having is with a limited group of incoming
emails, many
of which are from eBay which are pretty useless without the inline
graphics that eBay uses.

While in Mail, click View>Message Body As>Original HTML. If that is
selected, then I can't help.

Yes, that's already selected -- changing it to "Simple HTML" makes no
difference; changing it to "plain text" makes it worse.

Thanks for trying -- other than the well-known forms manager issue,
everything else about version 2.1 has been a real pleasure to use, and I
hope not to have to revert to 1.1.18 because of this single problem.

Since nothing seems to have worked, why not try a different or new profile?

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