On 6/28/2011 10:21 AM Philip Chee submitted the following:
On 28/06/2011 22:01, MCBastos wrote:
Interviewed by CNN on 28/06/2011 00:37, km told the world:

2. You can also use additional software, like TagZilla, to add custom

... is it avaliable foe download???

Yes, but it's a bit involved. More details on:


Unfortunately, that version hasn't been maintained for a while. You are
better off getting Philip Chee's updated version from his site:


Tagzilla depends on JSlib, a Javascript library that's also available as
a Mozilla extension. Official site here:


But I don't know if the official version has been updated for Seamonkey
2.1 yet. I sent Philip Chee my hacked version, perhaps he has already
put it on his site -- or you could use the Add-on Compatibility Reporter
(get it from addons.mozilla.org via the Add-On Manager interface) to
disable version checking.

Thanks for reminding me. I've just uploaded it to my site and I'll add a
link to it in the Tagzilla entry.



You could also use an old, but still viable program called Pic-A-Tag.
It's what I've been using for many years with Netscape, Mozilla, and SeaMonkey.
Still working with SM2.1

I have a link for it at:
http://mysite.verizon.net/vze1zhwu/freebies.html or directly at:

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