On 6/28/11 8:59 PM, JD wrote:
> David E. Ross wrote:
>> On 6/28/11 3:00 PM, JD wrote:
>>> signature-switch doesn't work because it's install.rdf file doesn't
>>> mention SM at all. As far as I can tell.
>>> http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?f=29&t=1614465
>>> Scroll down to Miltrivd's reply and see if that will work for you?
>> Unless its install.rdf file is fixed, Signature Switch will likely NOT
>> work with Thunderbird 5.  The powers that be among developers are trying
>> to ensure that many extensions become broken as new versions of
>> Mozilla-based applications are released more and more frequently.
> You lost me. TB5? We want it to work with SM2.1. The install.rdf file 
> fix is pretty simple. No? Add SM 2.1 and it's all good to go.

I mentioned Tbird because SeaMonkey's Mail/News component is based very
much (not entirely) on Tbird.


David E. Ross

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