Ray_Net wrote:
I have just passed from 2.0.10 to 2.1.0 and my first impression is not
good ... (i had not the time to look at all other details, but for the
browser, i am not very happy.
Here is my 2 problems:
I have seen extra lines before my real bookmarks - this is very annoying
I don't need
-Bookmak This Grouo of Tabs(greyed)
-Subscribe to This Page(greyed)
-Personal Toolbar
-Recently Bookmarked
-Recent Tags
-Mozilla Project
-Search the Web

How to eliminate those 7 lines that i don't care and push down my
bookmarks ?
Really not an enhancement ...

More .... the second problem:

I have an local .html file that i use as a kind of bookmarks.
Each link have been parametized to open in a new window.
When links have been visited, the color changed (normal)
when all links have been visited they have the same color.
When i click on a link a new window is open (normal)
When i close this window, my display returns to my link list (normal)
In the past (with SM 2.0.x) the just visited link is surrounded by a
rectangle composed of lines of dots.
NOW this rectangle is not present - so i did not know what was the just
visited link...grrr....
Really not an enhancement ...

You can call me Ray, you can call me Jay. Just don't call me late for dinner.

Every software update, upgrade is going to have some items that individual users don't like.

I'm not crazy about the extra lines in my bookmarks. I'm learning how to deal with that.

I had to edit most of my install.rdf files to make my add-ons work. But I learned how to deal with that.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it. If it don't do what you want then take the steps to make it work, or learn to live with it, or find software that better meets your needs.

SM 2.1 is free. It's secure. The people that keep it going don't make any money for their efforts. I can deal with it. 8-)

To all the SeaMonkey developers, Thank You!

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