Whomever came up w/ the idea of the "History" item, and the various 
denominations thereof: Thank you very much! That's rock n roll, man/ chica. 
That's the sort of thing i dig.

Keep the groove-on that direction, I hope. It's difficult to notice everything, 
but-- at risk of nonsensical, more so than usual-- it's why Seamonkey kicks so 
much ass-sshhut-your-mouth (i'm just talkin' bout Seamonkey!)

nice. now, if i can only remember what URL i want, of all this awesome 
aggregate, super-intelligent hyper-data ... what's that stuff-- hotter than 
gas... plasma! yeah, it's plasma-rific! not places. plasma-ces.... yep. that's 
it. your new word, right there.
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