On 07/07/2011 01:16 PM, NoOp wrote:
> On 07/06/2011 09:01 PM, Craig wrote:
>> Having gotten over most of my growing pains with the switch from 2.0.14 
>> to 2.1 on my Linux box, I do have a couple of questions:
>> 1. If I have several web browser tabs open, when I click on the "Open a 
>> new tab" button next to the left-most tab, the new tab is always opened 
>> at the extreme right of the existing tabs, regardless of which tab I am 
>> viewing. On the other hand, if I middle-click a link in one of the tabs, 
>> the new tab is opened to the right of the tab with the link and always 
>> right next to it. Middle-clicking a second link on the same tab opens a 
>> new tab to the right of the tab with the link, but to the left of the 
>> tab opened by the first middle-clicked link.
>> Why this difference in behavior, and how can I make it work like it used 
>> to (always opening a new tab to the extreme right of the existing tabs)?
> Preferences|Browser|Tabbed Browsing| tick:
> x Switch to new tabs opened from links
> x Middle-click, Ctrl+click...
> x Ctrl+Enter...

Sorry, forgot to add: make sure 'Open related tabs after
current tab' is unchecked.

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