Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
Neil Winchurst wrote:

I have now tested sending an email with an attachment only, no text.
Same error. As long as there is no attachment I can forward emails
successfully. It is obviously the attachments which cause the

FWIW, I've forwarded hundreds of messages over the years, both inline
and as attachments, both with and without attached files, and never had
a complaint from any provider. As noted elsewhere in this thread, it's
not you, and it's not SeaMonkey, it's your provider.

Glad you found a workaround to bypass their stupidity.

Well, I would go along with that but for one thing. I also have Thunderbird set up and that just worked. Obviously the same provider etc for both.

And to get it to work in SM I had to change a preference. I did not need to do anything about the provider. I did not need to do anything in Tbird.

All very puzzling, but as it now works as required I am happy.

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