hawker wrote:
This statement almost perfectly reflects my feelings as well.
I have been a hardcore Netscape/Mozilla/Seamonkey fan but for the first
time I'm seriously considering leaving the sweet all together.
The changes are not in areas I need and often break favorite features. I
have seen more very annoying bugs lately (especially in 2.2x). I have
certainly lost confidence in the product but am sticking with it for now.

I'm hoping I can find a solution to the confidence loss for all our users. In my experience we are getting better at stability and overall support thanks to all the core changes we are adopting when we can. That is not to behave as an excuse for any regressions our own team has introduced, nor as an explanation on why the UI changes are good, merely a point on stability.

What is wrong with 2.4.1? Well for starters read Philip Chee's letter to
this group from 9/29 at 6:16am

What has changed that I don't like.
I can't stand the new search with Google. I can't get previews in the
left pain.

Well you can switch search provider. (As for the sidebar issue you cite, I unfortunately don't know enough.)

> I don't like the inline search popping up a box now.

For this, however there is a pref (assuming you mean search-in-existing-page)... you can go to "Edit->Preferences" -> "Advanced" -> "Find as you type" and *uncheck* the box for "Show the find toolbar during find as you type"

Then Mail is going downhill fast.

I'm sorry to hear that, most of our mail code is shared with Thunderbird. But we do still try to stay on top of mail issues. (I personally know very little about mail backend/code and am primarily a consumer like you with regard to it)

1) E-mail's composed in Word can no longer be cut and pasted into
Seamonkey mail and be readable from outlook.

Can you provide specific example of this (incl. screenshots) and/or a bug # for this so I can try and confirm/get a person on it. I have never liked using Word to pre-compose anything and always compose directly in mail. But that could surely use some investigation.

2) IMAP is in bad shape, can't get many attachments, often get blank
e-mails, doesn't refresh right, looses e-mail etc. It does not play well
with Exchange server at all. It used to play better in 1.x days and 2.0

I don't have an Exchange server to test with, but IMAP has and does work well for me with GMail. I do not get many attachements, but I do get some, and all the ones I have gotten seem to work fine for me. But as I said above a bug number and specifics would help us track down the issue here.

~Justin Wood (Callek)

On 10/5/2011 12:46 PM, Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd) wrote:

Justin Wood (Callek) wrote:

I'm curious, what issues have you [hawker] heard on 2.4.1 that worry
you specifically. I know of only one real issue that we can pinpoint
at this time. (I am working on an extension fix for it at this time as

Obviously I'm not Hawker, and I therefore can't answer on his/her behalf;
neither can I easily identify any issues with Seamonkey > 2.0.14 that
could logically cause significant worries; but I do believe, quite
sincerely, that once Seamonkey started tracking the rapid-release
schedule of Firefox, and took on board many of the more radical
changes that Firefox had already adopted (e.g., places.sqlite,
open tabs rather than windows, ...), it lost the confidence
of a significant fraction of its user community.

I have continued to upgrade my primary machine as far as 2.3.3;
I have kept my secondary machine at 2.0.14; but I no longer
accept upgrades unconditionally, and I am no longer a Seamonkey
advocate -- I no longer say to those still using Internet
Explorer and Outlook Express "ditch them : there is a /far/
better package that does what both of those do, seamlessly,
and will offer you a /far/ superior environment within which to
browse, send and receive e-mail). And I fear I am not alone in
this. Others, too, on this list have expressed significant
reservations about going beyond 2.0.14; they, too, are probably
no longer vocal Seamonkey advocates. And I think that this is
a great shame : Seamonkey was, and perhaps still is, a wonderful
tool, preferable to IE, preferable to OE, to Firefox, to Thunderbird
(except in the lack of a tool for identifying duplicate IMAP
e-mails), to Opera, to Safari, to Konqueror. But it seems to
some of us to have lost its way -- to have become little more
than an undiscriminating beggar, eagerly snapping at whatever goodies
Firefox and Gecko are currently offering, but no longer capable
of being brave enough to go its own way whenever its own way
would be preferable.

I may be wrong; I hope I am; but this is a genuine expression
of one person's opinion, for better or for worse.

Philip Taylor

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