A bunch of stuff snipped, answers in line below.

In general the confidence issues are not only because of bugs but we don't like where the features are going. I realize you are a small team and often have to just adopt thunderbird/firefox code but often that means a loss of functionality to us or you don't have time to fully implement the functionality (such as the Thunderbird search features).

On 10/5/2011 4:03 PM, Justin Wood (Callek) wrote:
What has changed that I don't like.
I can't stand the new search with Google. I can't get previews in the
left pain.

Well you can switch search provider. (As for the sidebar issue you cite,
I unfortunately don't know enough.)

The issue is not Google. The issue is how the built in side bar search works. I liked the old way, I don't like the new way. As I hear there is nothing that can be done about this, changed "plug in" types and the new one does not support the old features.

 > I don't like the inline search popping up a box now.

For this, however there is a pref (assuming you mean
search-in-existing-page)... you can go to "Edit->Preferences" ->
"Advanced" -> "Find as you type" and *uncheck* the box for "Show the
find toolbar during find as you type"

Glad to hear.

Then Mail is going downhill fast.

I'm sorry to hear that, most of our mail code is shared with
Thunderbird. But we do still try to stay on top of mail issues. (I
personally know very little about mail backend/code and am primarily a
consumer like you with regard to it)

1) E-mail's composed in Word can no longer be cut and pasted into
Seamonkey mail and be readable from outlook.

Can you provide specific example of this (incl. screenshots) and/or a
bug # for this so I can try and confirm/get a person on it. I have never
liked using Word to pre-compose anything and always compose directly in
mail. But that could surely use some investigation.

Let me know better how I can provide this info for you.
I think the bug is actually in outlook but since so many use outlook we have to comply. What happens is if I cut and paste out of Word (I often do when quoting documents) I can read it fine in Seamonkey, Android phone Windows 6.5 phone, Eudora, Thunderbird, etc. But anyone who tries to read it in Outlook sees the formatting commands such as <end-iff> as text not executed. For whatever reason older versions of Seamonkey did not do this.

2) IMAP is in bad shape, can't get many attachments, often get blank
e-mails, doesn't refresh right, looses e-mail etc. It does not play well
with Exchange server at all. It used to play better in 1.x days and 2.0

I don't have an Exchange server to test with, but IMAP has and does work
well for me with GMail. I do not get many attachements, but I do get
some, and all the ones I have gotten seem to work fine for me. But as I
said above a bug number and specifics would help us track down the issue

I don't use Gmail (concerned about privacy issues). IMAP with an exchange server just has tons and tons of issues. Tell me how I can specifically help you here. I would say I can't read 1/200 emails I get, especially when they come from Yahoo Groups. They come up blank. Often Attachments don't come. I think this has to do with the specific sending program. If I send an attachment from Eudora to Seamonkey I don't get it (but do in Exchange web interface and Outlook. Some MS functions that auto send attachments have the same issues, and a few other programs do as well. I'll have to read the headers next time it happens. I would say this is 10% of all my attachments. I also have lots of formatting inconsistencies. Looks fine in Outlook, not in Seamonkey.

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