Le 6 octobre 2011, WLS a écrit :

I have no problem with SeaMonkey mail on openSUSE 11.3 64-bit, using SeaMonkey 2.4.1 32-bit manually installed (well updated from 2.3.3) version.

Which version of openSUSE are you using?

11.2 64-bit.

Current SM package: 2.0.14-0.2.1 x86_64 (repo 11.2 Update).
Tried: 2.4-1.1 x86_64 (repo 11.2 Evergreen).

My current version is the "highest" on the Update repo. On the Evergreen one, they don't keep previous versions. So I can't readily try and take intermediary steps. Can you look in your 11.3 repos if one offers SM 2.1?

Thanks for your help.
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