Some more tests.

I tried and upgraded from 2.0.14 64-bit to 2.4 32-bit.

First I launched the browser, installed and removed some addons... Then I launched Mail: it took much time before prompting me for my passwords, and memory usage reached 2 GB!

After that first run, I've closed and reopened it. Browser uses around 235 MB, and when I open Mail, it takes an additional 830 MB (merely to start; no open mailboxes). That looks very much! Also, Mail is very long to start (around 40 sec), and once started, CPU usage remains around 25% as long as the box prompting me for my password is open.

Then, I close Mail, not the browser: the memory usage stays the same. I think "OK, it's just in some kind of background". I open it back: tada! again 40 seconds of waiting, and an *additional* 800 MB of mem used (it's near 1.9 GB now)! So now, guess what happened when I did another round of this (close Mail, open Mail)? Crash! I have "only" 1 GB of RAM and 2 GB of swap...

Taken from
Mozilla platform changes
    Drastically improved memory use

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