Rickles wrote:
Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd) wrote:

cmcadams wrote:
Peter wrote:
I use three computers regularly, and all have the hangup problem
where Seamonkey
stops responding for up to 30 seconds at a time for no apparent
reason. I've actually
had to stop using Seamonkey on one of the computers now, because the
frozen to usable
ratio is too high to get anything done.

I believe that Seamonkey is busy doing something that it thinks is
too important to
give up CPU cycles to the user.

I've seen lots of people reporting similar problems - is there
anything that we can
do to help find a solution? Perhaps some way of us determining what
Seamonkey is
actually doing when it hangs?


Also here, when the Seamonkey IMAP client sees (or is told) that
a new message has arrived and starts downloading it. Typing can
completely freeze for several seconds, if not longer.

Philip Taylor
See also my thread,
news://news.mozilla.org:119/-vkdnwtcnl3_vqltnz2dnuvz_oydn...@mozilla.org, which
calls out a complete freeze of Mail, without Composition or actively
downloading messages. And the CPU shows no usage.
I think I've sorted this one. My only known issue is with deleting messages. Killing all SM processes, I've gone into my profile directory and deleted the Mail\Trash.msf file, then restarted SM. Prior to this, anytime anything was selected for deletion, that's when SM stops playing nice. The clue this time was that I could click on any folder/subfolder in my folder pane with instant results, but clicking on 'Deleted' gave me a blank message thread pane and a cursor with an hourglass. Soon as I clicked on something else the hourglass disappeared and everything worked normally.

First tried to go through SM email account prefs to change the pointer for Deleted, but there's no GUI option to change that one folder destination. So I did it the hard way. For now, SM seems to be happy.

We'll see.
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