Daniel wrote:
Rickles wrote:
Bob Fleischer wrote:
Rostyslaw Lewyckyj wrote:
Rickles wrote:
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:7.0.1) Gecko/20110928 Firefox/7.0.1

Others have complained about SM appearing to hang, or at least take a
ridiculously long time to do something as simple as delete an email.
never seen it before, until today.

Normally the PC's been on most of the day while I've been at work, but
today the house was empty all day & I was the first home. Turned PC on
and left it un-logged in for approx. an hour.

Logged in, waited for systray icons to all appear showing all 'run'
completed, and opened SM Mail. It opened, downloaded 3 short text
messages. The wife read one message over my shoulder, said that
could be deleted. So I did, or thought so, anyway.

Pressed delete key but message stayed in Inbox. Checked Deleted
empty. Went back to Inbox, but only Folder pane showed any
content--thread & message panes were both blank. Assumed some
process was taking up processor time, but Task Manager showed 99%
idle time, and there was no network traffic.

No background CPU takeover, no scheduled tasks running, no busy
I left it ticking over for a full 5 minutes without change, then
the SM Mail window (browser never open). Verified seamonkey.exe
was absent from Task Manager and re-opened Mail--deleted same message
again and it worked perfectly, and for everything after that.


You must allow your hard working SM program to take a coffee break.
As you know that since the start of the rapid release policy
the program hasn't had a chance to stop to draw a decent breath.

I've had hangs with 2.4.1 where my only recourse (I've waited as much as
an hour) is to kill the process. Many of them, but by no means all of
them, seem to be associated with downloads.

(Before 2.4.1, I've almost never had a hang or crash with SeaMonkey. Now
it is once every day or two.)

(This is on Windows 7 64 bit.)

I think I've sorted this one. My only known issue is with deleting
messages. Killing all SM processes, I've gone into my profile directory
and deleted the Mail\Trash.msf file, then restarted SM. Prior to this,
anytime anything was selected for deletion, that's when SM stops playing
nice. The clue this time was that I could click on any folder/subfolder
in my folder pane with instant results, but clicking on 'Deleted' gave
me a blank message thread pane and a cursor with an hourglass. Soon as I
clicked on something else the hourglass disappeared and everything
worked normally.

First tried to go through SM email account prefs to change the pointer
for Deleted, but there's no GUI option to change that one folder
destination. So I did it the hard way. For now, SM seems to be happy.

We'll see.

Rickles, have you tried File->Empty Trash and then File->Compact Folders
to reduce the size of your mail folders??

Yeah, but that hadn't helped. Nothing is very big, and I have the options set to auto-compact when the space savings is over 1 Mbyte. While I do have some emails that go back nearly 10 years, I don't have 1,000's of them, and my entire mail profile folder is less than 400Meg. My trash is auto-emptied whenever I close Mail, as well. I try to keep things from getting too cluttered.
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