S. Beaulieu wrote:
No a écrit :

I Am trying to add an email account and cannot do so. It (SM) only will
allow me to create a new 'newsgroup' account.

 From the release notes:

"After creating a news account through clicking a news URL, the MailNews
account wizard may be broken (the account type will always be News). To
work around the problem, set the mail.server.serverX.valid pref (where X
is the internal number of the corresponding news account) to true in
about:config, or delete the invalid news account (bug 521861)."

Link to the bug: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=521861



Thank you for the solution, it worked, although not sure about it.. we shall see if my newsgroups are broken now! ;-)

Thank you regardless.
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