Frog wrote:
Frog wrote:

I am trying to make a .GIF signature file that can be attached to a
message---like I can attach a piece of clip art to a message. Can this
be done? If so, what are the steps to make this happen?

Thanks in advance for any help sent my way.


I forgot to include that I want to type in Script MT Bold//Font Size
22//Microsoft Word my signature. Then I want to make this .doc file a
.GIF or .JPG file that can be attached to my SeaMonkey messages.

Sorry for leaving this out of my earlier message.

Windows XP Pro SP3

SeaMonkey 2.4.1



This is rather an involved process, but it can be done.
You need to create .gif image file with your sig in the file.

You can send me a .docx file exactly how you want the image file to look and read, I can capture the data and save it in a .gif file and return to you. You should be able to get my e-mail address from the header of this reply.

In the meantime you need to create a new folder named Signature under your SM profile folder, this is where your image and HTML file will reside.

You need to create a blank HTML document named sig and save it to your profile/Signature folder. Use SM Composer to create the HTML document.

Open the e-mail account Settings and select "Attach the signature from a file instead". Navigate to your profile folder/Signature and select the HTML document. (Nothing will happen to your new messages right away, not until you get the image signature pasted into the HTML document.

Armadillo Web Development

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