Beauregard T. Shagnasty wrote:
Michael Gordon wrote:
Beauregard T. Shagnasty wrote:
Dustbin wrote:
I have been wondering what protocol is used to return the info in
a web form. E.g. the mailto: protocol. I take it this is not
SMTP. But is it HTTP; is it FTP; is it...?
You're going to have to provide more details.
The mailto: protocol will do nothing more than activate a default
email client on your computer, such as SeaMonkey, with the TO:
address filled in ^1. How you send the email you create is totally
dependent upon your email account settings. (but if you are
sending, it should be SMTP)
^1 optionally, some other bits such as Subject line, but those are
unreliable across clients.
The problem with using the mailto: switch is with the SPAMOTS
searching for valid e-mail addresses; they will send you tons of junk
mail by scanning your web page.
That's a common problem, if you compose your web page in the clear.
You can hide your e-mail address from them using a little JavaScript;
the web browser reads the script and displays the name and address
visually, but the BOTS cannot render the mail address.
..or use this method, which works even when the visitor has JavaScript
It works fine, except you cannot include the Subject field, JavaScript
will allow this.
The other option is to use a CGI script on your web server to record
the form contents (data) and sernd you an e-mail with all the data
fields filled in. Your sending e-mail address is hidden in a folder
on the server where the BOTS cannot get to it.
I use web forms plus obfuscated mailtos on all my web sites, and
bot-harvested spam is non-existent.
But I believe your comments don't address the original question, at
least as I have interpreted Dustbin's question. I think he was asking
what protocol he uses for writing to the clicked mailto address, or he
means what protocol the web site uses to send mail to the webmaster.
I provided a neat work around above with a CGI script residing on the
web server.
Since the subject is hazy, I should mention that mailtos don't work for
any visitor who does *not* have an email client, but who uses, say, a
hotmail or yahoo-type web-based email system only. Clicking the mailto
will never open the visitors' browsers to their webmail page.
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