Beauregard T. Shagnasty:
>Hartmut Figge wrote:

>> Check 'Reset all..' or all checkboxes and then press 'Make Changes
>> and Restart'. But have a current backup of your profile ready. ;)
>Doesn't say anything about deleting email accounts ...   :-/

Well, the accounts are stored in the prefs.js. And if you reset the
pref.js... *g*

Luckily the mails are still in the profile and can be recovered even if
the old pref.js can not be found in the Trash of Win.

>I've just noticed that David started a new thread with some further bits 
>of details. See: "I'm Closer to Fixing Issue with Deleted Emails".

He did. Unfortunately. But now it's too late because...

>David: reply to your current thread instead of creating new ones.

...the current thread is now the new one in which i had given some hints. ;)

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