On 11/29/2011 6:33 PM, JAS wrote:
flyguy wrote:
On 11/29/2011 12:58 PM, JAS wrote:
flyguy wrote:
I'm using SM 2.4.1 on an XP computer.

I installed the Addon Compatibility Reporter; after that, my Lightning
Calendar extension ceased to function, and it was reported at "not
compatible". I was using 1.0b7; it appears 1.0 was installed. A

What happened, and how do I recover? I can install 1.0b7 again, but
how about all my calendar entries?

I have backed up the folder labeled "calender-data". Can I install
Lightning 1.0b7 and replace the calendar-data file with the backed up

Apparently, I completely misunderstand the function and purpose of the
Compatibility Reporter, as it did a lot more than "report". Just what
is it supposed to do?
Have you tried shutting down and restarting ? My SM 2.5 works fine with
the Lightning 1.0

Yes, but the calendar still came up blank; i.e, the calendar seems to
be there, but there are no events in it. The Compatibility Reporter
said it wasn't compatible, and listed version 1.0 as the installed item.

Did Lightning 1.0 work when you were using 2.4.1?

I was using 1.0b7 in SM 2.4.1. When I first viewed the calendar after
updating and it was changed to 1.0 the calendar was blank  and on the
left side it showed my different installed .ics files. I downloaded the
lightning 1.0 xpi file and installed it again and all was well.

I had a similar experience returning to Lightning 1.0b7. It took at least two install/restarts for it to begin functioning again. Fortunately, I was able to use the local.sqlite file from a recent backup to restore all my events, except for the last couple weeks.

When I update to 2.5 in a few days, I'll also update to 1.0., but I'll definitely do a profile backup just before I do either!

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